Savir Singh


Here, I list some projects and describe why they're useful. You can see all my open-source projects on my GitHub profile. In order of importance:

Clonio AI [developed in May 2024]

This is an LLM tool that allows you to train a chatbot to behave exactly like anyone you talk to online. Simply feed it a past relevant conversation you've had and it will analyze sentiment, punctuation, and more to act and react like the other person when talking to you. Clonio is a useful tool if you want to experience a conversation before actually having it. Some example scenarios include asking your boss for a raise, asking a recruiter what your chances look like for a job, or asking your crush out.

The Math Contest Repository [developed in October 2023]

The MCR is a collection of nearly 1400 contest-style math problems. The platform is used by over 200 students and has hosted 7 contests so far. Over 3000 solutions have been submitted to and graded by the judging system. I developed the MCR because as someone who prepares for math contests, I've always wanted an app that can check my answers automatically for me, instead of having to visit a new page and switch tabs constantly. The MCR is also great because it can host mock live contests developed by the community, for the community!

Volcano Judge [developed in October 2022]

Volcano Judge is a sandboxed online competitive programming platform that I developed in grade 10. It is similar to Leetcode or Codeforces and has support for Python and C++. There are three sister judges (or clones) of Volcano Judge for organizations. One was developed for and is used by Garth Webb SS for contests hosted by its CS club.

BYTEsense (Hack the North 2023) [developed in September 2023]

I was accepted into Hack the North 2023 (for their 10th iteration!), Canada's largest and most competitive hackathon, hosted at the University of Waterloo. BYTEsense was a project developed by me along with three other high school teammates during that weekend. BYTEsense is an AI tool that can accurately estimate how you will feel after consuming a meal, based on how you felt after consuming other meals with similar ingredients. We used OpenAI and Cohere APIs and I fully developed the web app and database.

Thatformworks [developed in May 2022]

A simple tool that processes the backend for static HTML contact & reservation forms. It sends an email to an associated email address for the form. I later learned that this already exists in some forms, but it was a fun project nonetheless!